About Jessi



Memberships & Certifications


I believe that everyone has the power to heal, given the right environment. 

However, if you take a look at our lifestyle, eating habits, the toxins in our environment, what we put on our body, our work culture, and the compounding stress. It’s no wonder why more and more people have and are developing chronic illness. Our personal bubbles are under extreme stress!

I shed light on your stressors and give you the tools to help manage your bubble.

As a Massage Therapist, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, and Environmental toxin specialist. I partner with you to first help identify what stressors may be affecting your body. I then help educate and facilitate the removal of those roadblocks through mindset, bodywork, Nutritional therapy, values and daily habits. Internally a lot of healing takes place when we can get our system relaxed, moving and operating efficiently. I offer massage and Flowpresso treatments to optimize movement and drainage of your lymph, fascia and tissues.

I’ve walked the same journey

I know first hand how important your environment is on your health. It was the root cause of my health issues. I was in a moldy environment for years. It made me very sick. I had a hunch it was the mold, but always overlooked it for years. Once I got out of my moldy place my health changed dramatically!

I spent years doing expensive protocols to try to feel better. I tried all the detoxes, all the diets, and the supplements. Several different doctors, and lots and lots of money. I know what a healing journey looks like. True healing is uncomfortable. There are no quick fixes. It’s up and it’s down. If you heal at a cellular level... everything in your life will look different. I want to be your ally on your health journey!

...while incorporating fun into the process

When I am not working, I am spending time with my family, usually on the soccer pitch. Taking long morning walks with my dog and perfecting matcha lattes. I am a big fan of live music. I also love spending time on my family's ranch in New Mexico where I grew up. Always taking advantage of the Pacific Northwest's beauty in all her seasons!
